Tuesday, May 12, 2015

The Beginning

My life has changed so much in the past two years. I went from being in a tractor all day everyday feeding cows or doing field work to sending days at the doctor and taking pills.

I will give you a little bit of a back ground of what I have, back in 1998 I was diagnosed with multifocal choroiditis, my Dr at the time thought I got somehow got a parasite while I was traveling overseas. This Parasite attacked both of my eyes my right eye more then my left. I lost some peripheral vision in my right eye. It has been stable ever since.

In August of 2013 I noticed that something new was going on with my vision. So I went to my local doctor in Mitchell, he sent me to Sioux Falls  where he sent me to Mayo Clinic in Rochester. After a long few month of waiting we finally found out that I have Auto Immune Retinapathy. Auto Immune Retinapathy is where my antibodies are for some reason are attacking my Retina. Usually with this disease is related to some form of cancer, I did all the test that they recommended for me to do and they all came back negative. which is good i guess.... I just which that I know why???? Why??? Their has to be something that we are missing but what.. I have TWO retinal specialist at one of the best hospitals on my side trying to figure this out.. there has to me something that we are missing... We took trips back to Mayo every 3 month and everything was stable until.....

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