Monday, May 18, 2015

Mayo day 1

I started noticing some new flashes of light in my left eye (my good eye) so I made an appointment to see my retina specialist. We made the 10 hour drive from our west farm and settled into our hotel for the next few days. The first day they scheduled a visual field and an Electroetinogram of my eyes.
Electroretinography (ERG) is an eye test used to detect abnormal function of the retina (the light-detecting portion of the eye). Specifically, in this test, the light-sensitive cells of the eye, the rods and cones, and their connecting ganglion cells in the retina are examined.
What happens during the Electoretinogram test is they put you in a dark room with patches on your eyes for 30 minutes, put numbing drops in both eyes and put these little contraptions on your eyes then you stick your head into a machine and you see all kinds of different lights after about 6 different sets you sit in the light for 10 minutes and they do it all over again.
During the visual field test they usually do two different test one where you sit with your head in a machine and when you see a light you hit a button and the other test is where you are just sitting in a chair looking at a wall and you tell them when you see it and when it disappears. Oh and they always cover one eye or the other.
These are my latest results, as you can see I have NO peripheral vision in my right eye... and in my left eye the weird shaped blob with lines in it is a brand new blind spot that was not their three months ago.....
We will have to wait and see what day two at mayo brings us..

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