Thursday, May 28, 2015

Mayo day 2

Day 2 at Mayo we had scheduled Fundus Photography, Optical Coherence Tomography (OCT) and then meet with Dr Smith.

FUNDUS PHOTOGRAPHY: is the creation of a photograph of the interior surface of the eye, including the retina, optic disk, macula and posterior pole.

I know it is hard to see but you can see all kinds of little dark and white spots those are scar tissue that  was damaged from my multi focal clortitis--- you can see that it makes a perfect circle--- that is where most of my peripheral vision has been lost.  These Spots have not changed in a long time which is a good thing..... I guess????  (sorry that they are in black and white they are much detailed in color)

Left Eye

Right Eye

Next I had a Optical Coherence Tomography (OCT) done.
OCT is a non-invasive imaging test that uses light waves to take a cross-section picture of your retina the light  sensitive tissue lining the back of your eye.
I did not get a copy of my OCT but mine did NOT look like this. I hope to get a copy to share with you at a later date. My tissue in the back of my retina is very thin. Its hard to explain without my picture.
Next we met with Dr Smith and she was very concerned about the new flashes of light that i was seeing as well as the new blind spot in my left eye. So she ordered more test--- blood work, an Angiograpy and a MRI of the Head focusing on the Optic Nerve.
The Blood work all came back negative!!!
The Angiograpy- is an X-Ray test that uses a special dye and camera to take pictures of the blood flow in an artery or vein.
this is my left eye
the picture on the left is the veins that you can see on the surface
the picture on the right is the veins that are inside of your eye.
the black dots are scar tissue.

My MRI Also came Back Normal!!!
We met back with Dr Smith and she said that their is something going on..... The Autoimmune Retainapathy is affecting your Left Eye--- we are not sure why???
We are going to put you back on High doses of Steroids to try and stop it and since you can not be on steroids long term we are going to look into having you either take a shot daily or do an IV treatment once a month we will see you back  in July to see what method will work best.
So NOW we Wait.... and hope for the best!!!

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