Friday, May 29, 2015

How things have Changed

My Life has Changed so Much since all of this has happened I will just mention a few in this post.

My doctors back in October 2013 told me that I should not be driving. I made this decision before the doctors told me to... I did NOT feel comfortable and thought that it was not worth taking my life or someone Else's life.  I still have my drivers licence and will continue to get it because in South Dakota they do not test your Peripheral Vision during the eye exam.... Which I disagree with. I could go on and on about that but I won't..

It was hard to loose my independence of going when you wanted, helping out on the farm and feeling needed. It has been  a hard transition but I have a great support system that takes me when I need to go somewhere. You know who you are!!! Thank YOU!!!

They say when you loose a sense your others become more keen.. I support that 100% My Hearing has increased dramatically.  If you see me out and about you more that likely see me looking like this....
The Hat and the sunglasses are to help with my light sensitivity and the ear phones are to block out extra noise.  On one occasion I had someone ask me if I was hungover from the night before????? I said "NOPE I have an eye disease." That shut them up...
I have a hard time following conversations with more than one person, so if i leave in the middle of a conversation it is not because i don't want to listen its because I can't handle more than one person talking at once. It is just easier for me just to leave for a minute. Please don't take it personal its just the way it is.

My Breakfast and My night time snack consists of Pills and more pills.... With pills comes all kinds of side effects.. I just hope that they work and that my eyes don't get any worse!!!

I hope that this gives you a bit more of an understanding of what I have been through.. Never take anything for Granted!!!

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