Saturday, June 6, 2015

Up Date

The side effects of the steroids have started to appear. Being on 60mg for a month has taken its toll... My face has started to fill out, and the sweating has started. Oh the joys of meds.

I have not noticed and changes in my eyes, I still see the flashes of light in my left eye. My Doctor called to check up on me which was nice, she recommended that we start decreasing the steroids to 50mg for a month.  I got word that I will be starting IV treatments after I am done with the steroids--- I knew that it was a 50/50 chance that I was going to have to do this but it is still a hard pill to swallow... It sounds like I will have to do it once a week--- I will be taking a drug called Rituran. I will learn more when I go back in July.

My Mom came and saw me for a few days which was great!! We had a GIRLS day!!! We don't get to do them very often during the summer since we are at the west farm. LOVE you MOM!!!

We are staying busy at the farm, we are going to start cutting our first cutting of hay today!! I will be the lunch and dinner lady!! Hope you are all having a good week!!

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