Tuesday, August 4, 2015


Well it has been 3 months since my last trip to Rochester and I missed it so much that I decided to fly back this time. We are crazy busy at the west farm with irritating and haying that I decided to fly out of rapid into Minneapolis and have my brother Adam pick me up and take me to my appointments this trip.

So this is what I found out.... my left eye (my good eye) is still getting worse my blind spot is getting bigger and my thickness of my retina is getting thinner which is a concern. They want to stop this as soon as possible. My retina specialist and my rheumatologist suggested that I try an IV treatment of rituxan, which would only be two treatment two weeks apart... this drug will kill all of my B cells and will hopefully kill all of my bad antibodies that are attacking my retina and we will be in the clear! It will take 6 months for my body to rebuild its own B cells so I will not have an immune system for awhile. Sounds like fun!!!  If this doesn't work we are back to square one. We are waiting to hear back from insurance to see if they will cover this form of treatment as it is not typically used for what i have. I am a mystery!! I will keep you posted on when and how my treatments go. thank you for all your thoughts and prayers.

I had a great visit with Adam, Nicole and Oliver! We will have to do it again very soon!!

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